Friday, November 2, 2007


What do all of these have in common?? Well, they are the object of Dallin's new hobby. We were walking into church about 2 months ago and he was asking what the emblems on the front of the cars were. So we would tell him. Ford, Toyota, Chevrolet, etc... Well, then he started telling them to us. Then while we were driving he would tell us. While we are taking a walk around the neighborhood he tells us. And I tell you what - the kids is always right! Unless he can't find a logo at all - then it's always a GMC. But don't think that being NEXT to the car at a stop light will keep him from getting it right... he looks at the middle of the tire to find the logo there. He could be in the middle of telling me something and he interrupts himself to tell me what kind of car or truck he is seeing... Is this kid really mine???


Rachel said...

I love it when kids get in a flow like this - they find a new passion and astound you with this ability to memorize amazing amounts of information. It's kind of awesome.