Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I am so excited! I love this time of the year! And not just because I have a valid reason to pig out - I really have SO much to be thankful for. I have the most amazing husband and kids. I love that Scott finally LOVES his job. I love that Scott lets me indulge in my latest and greatest (i.e. reading the Twilight series, getting back into country music that he hates, gutting the basement, etc). A friend of ours loaned us a Chris Ledoux tape. I haven't listened to country in a really long time. I am kind of in an 80's stint right now. But now my new favorite song is County Fair by Chris Ledoux. He is a little twangy for me - but there are a few songs that I absolutely love and am now digging out all of my country cds. Poor Scott. And now - because of my renewed love - I look on the computer this morning and he has found County Fair and some others and put them on here for me. What a great guy!

I am thankful that my little boy is such a big helper and so kind. (Most of the time) We were at church a few weeks ago and the sacrament was being passed to him by an older gentleman and when he took the tray of bread he says, "Fank you." The man just smiled at Dallin. I am thankful that he loves his little sister and will share his most loved light saber with her when she is sad. I am thankful that he loves to be just like his daddy. It gives me hope that he will be an outstanding adult! :) I am thankful that he loves to help me cook - even though it can be frustrating. I love that he is learning how to read words like "No". He will see that word and say, "What does that say No about?"

I am thankful for my little girl. She is such a blessing to our family. She has been really sick a lot of her life with ear infections, croup or cold after cold after cold. I have been thrown up on more times than I can count and spent more nights on the couch with her so she can sleep than I would like. But she is still such a sweet, stubborn, dancing, beautiful addition to our family. I am looking forward to seeing what she will be like when she can express her thoughts like Dallin.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that we all can be not so caught up in the commercial of this coming season but more in the reason it is celebrated!

PS... My sister-in-law's dad is a really amazing painter. My brother's home is filled with his art. Here is a link to it and it's also in my "Sites I Like To Visit" section. Check it out!


Anonymous said...

Not like country? Whoa, boy. You have some serious flaws. I'll have to re-think this friendship.