Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dallin's Birthday

So our little boy is now 4! And he is just thrilled about it! We have been having problems with him the past few months... he has been saying, "I can't draw my name because I am only 3." Or, "I can only scribble because I am only 3." But yesterday I made a big deal about how he can write his name now at JoySchool because he is now 4! It seemed to work yesterday. Hopefully it will continue!

Dallin's morning started off great! Scott got up early and made Dallin's favorite breakfast. Popeye's, sausage and hot chocolate! He put the Popeye's in the oven and then left for work. Then when the timer went off he was allowed to get out of bed. It was a fun way to start the day.

We also went to the movie store and picked out the movie Dinosaurs for him to watch this week. He had all his grandparents call and 3 of his aunts call.... it was a good day.

Then after dinner he opened presents - and totally scored! He was so happy! He got lots of Star Wars stuff! And books and money and Candyland!

Then we had cake! Well, cupcakes anyway. Ok... they were from Target. But I will make him a cake for his party. Which I think we have decided will be Feb. 9th. I just haven't quite gotten it together yet! UGH! Am I ready for my kid to get big enough to have birthday parties????

Anyway - I think that he had a very great day! As I was tucking him in I asked him if he had a good birthday. He smiled really big and sighed... "Yes, mom. Thank you."


lindygirl said...

Sorry I am the looser aunt who forgot to call.... so Happy late Birthday Dallin!
Love Aunt Sarah

Valerie said...

What the heck are Popeye's? :)

Tam said...

Yeah Dallin - turning 4 is the best. But I would like to know what Popeyes are too. You will have to share.

Kessa turned 4 last October. We had a family party but I never got around having a party for her. We have always done some sort of party for her but this year I just couldn't get it going. I hope you guys have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dallin!

Yeah! What are Popeye's??

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday buddy, we love you. Did Jared call? He was supposed to I did remind him!

Love you and thinking of you always.
Auntie Mandy