Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Holy Snow Storm Batman!!!

WATCH OUT PEOPLE TO THE EAST OF UTAH!!!! Especially Denver! I came home from the church last night about 9 pm. There wasn't even a hint of a storm. This morning when Scott got up for work it had snowed about 6 inches and was STILL coming down. It's 10:45 am and it is STILL coming down. I took Dallin to the fence to play next door and had my snow boots on and the snow in the backyard was above my boots.

I decided to take a few pictures because it is absolutely gorgeous! I don't know how long it's supposed to be snowing today. I need to run out to the store to get a few things for Scott's birthday today! Don't know how that's going to go over. We don't have AWD in the van - and Scott has the Subaru with him at work.

My poor rosemary plant. It has seen better days... But fortunately, for not being a very winter hardy plant, it has lived for a few years being snowed on!

This is the snow accumulation since sometime after 9 pm last night.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!! He is getting OLD! heheheheee... Actually next year will be the black birthday party. He will be 40!!! We are actually going to go out for his birthday! We never did get out for mine. But we are trading with our friends whose birthdays are both next week. So they are taking our kids this weekend and we are taking theirs next weekend! YIPEE!!! I really really really need to go on a date with my hubby!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Scott.

Anonymous said...

HOLLY COW MAN!!! You are gettin up there.... Ha Ha... I never thought you where over 31, Guess I was wrong
Have FUN this year crossing over the Hill... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Lisa Burbidge said...

Happy b-day Scott, and hey just one more reason you should move south. We got a dusting of snow!!!! It was all gone by 10 in the morning!!! lisa

Tam said...

Here here on needing to date your husband. Well my husband... you know what I mean. I hope you guys go out someplace fun. We have a babysitting exchange here with another couple. In fact I am watching their kids on Friday. Happy Birthday Scott...

And thanks for the heads up. It is not snowing yet but we did have a teeny tiny storm go through here this afternoon. I will post pictures if we get anything good.

Valerie said...

Really? You're not 29???
I could have sworn you were! But then I haven't seen you for a while! I hope you guys had a great time on your date!! Hope you made the most of it without the kids!
Happy Birthday!