Sunday, January 20, 2008


I am not a fan of Sundays. They are supposed to be so uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating for the coming week. But I usually end up in a pretty foul mood with wrestling with a 16 month old and trying to get an almost 4 year old to entertain himself quietly for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Today (as usual) I was wondering what the point of going to church was. I mean - I realize that it is setting a good example to our kids, it is getting them into a habit - I mean they won't want to go when they are 5 if they don't realize it is expected of them starting now, they are learning about the gospel. Well - at least Dallin is. And just as I am thinking it would be so much easier to bag it after sacrament, the organ starts playing. Then Maggie looks straight at the chorister and starts leading. It was so cute! I realized that even though she isn't learning about the gospel yet - she is still learning about church. At least about songs... ;-)

Here are my adorable children dressed for Sunday. Maggie is not such a fan of the bows... she keeps pulling them out.


Tam said...

Little girl dresses are alway so cute. I want another baby girl so I can dress her.

Tell me about church. We have church from 1 -4 and sacrament meeting is last. Here is a good clue that the church is run... I mean governed by men. My bishop actual told me how lucky I was because since I am still in nursery I will have the kids first and then give them to their parents. I have yet to feel blessed.

The Gordon Clan said...

I'm with you on the whole Sunday thing - we go through that every week. It's fight fight fight the whole 3 hours. (Until next week when Taylor is finally in Nursery - and I'm not!) Yeah. Oh, I hope I don't get put in there for saying that. I can hope, right?