Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Week

We had a great time with Gramma and Grampa from Indiana out here this past week! (Notice Dallin playing with his ear) And then this weekend was full of fun as well!

We went to a Utah Blaze game on Friday night. It was the first time that I had ever been to an AFL game. It was really fun! We were with some good friends and our kids were really good! Maggie was just going from person to person to be held. We didn't get home until about 11:30 and she was still awake when we got home! I was quite surprised that she held up as well as she did! Of course it helped that they threw out these squishy planes that Brian caught and gave to her. She kept making fish faces and sucking on it and then I figured out that she thought it was a fish! The biggest disappointment was when Dallin and Brian went for ice cream and they were closed. Dallin had a bit of a meltdown. But we got past it!

Then on Saturday night we colored Easter eggs for the Easter bunny to hide that night. We were over at Brian and Steff's again. I am surprised they aren't sick of us after this weekend! But we colored lots of eggs. Of course we cracked lots of eggs too! But - hey - what would it be if we didn't have cracked eggs with our family around??!!

Here are Dallin and Maggie's eggs...

Here is Dallin's trick he has started to do with his ear that totally grosses me out. How do I nip this one??

And then while we were coloring eggs, my sis got engaged! Aren't they cute??

Then Easter morning came! Time to search for eggs!

And then finding the baskets!

Here is our family Easter picture...

Maggie decided to start playing in the Easter grass. She didn't like the outcome. And what does mommy do? Take pictures of course!

But Dad - he's the hero! He comes to the rescue!!!

What a dad!!!!! We love him so much!!!


Steff said...

Man, those Romney's....they spent like the WHOLE weekend with us. We're soooo sick of them! Ya RIGHT!!!! You guys make us so happy. We had a blast! And Monica, I need the recipe for those rolls. They are wonderful. I know Brian feels picked on that his wifey doesn't cook so much. Your Easter family pic is perfect. Thanks for sharing!

Stinkbombers said...

Why that picture?!?! WHHHYYY???? haha!

Tricia said...

Lynette is engaged?! Oh my, I suddenly feel so very old!