Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's about time!!!

I don't typically do a slide show... but since I took about 50 photos of my kids yesterday afternoon while playing in the backyard and wanted to share a lot of them, I thought I would do a slide show for the ones that I don't really need to talk about. Although there are a few that didn't come out right on the slide show that I am also adding manually to this post...

We were so excited that it has been such a beautiful week weather wise! Most of the snow in our backyard is melted. YIPPEE!!!! Dallin is of course out in his "toes" again this year. I guess he will never say "bare foot". Oh well - It keeps him my little boy...

As most of you know, my daughter really doesn't eat. Well - food that is - she will eat dirt, trees, sand, chalk, etc... Here is some proof!! (and yes - I am Mother of the Year who just takes pictures of her doing this!) These are in the slide show - but I wanted to point them out!

Dirt from the trowel

Dirt from the hoe

Dirt from the Shovel

Dirt from off her hand


Dirty Face...

Then these were cute ones that didn't turn out on the slide show...

Maggie going up the slide... It took her several times of falling before she realized it was a lost cause!

Dallin learning how to pump. Like the face? Is it really that hard??

Anyway - we had a fabulous day yesterday! Although we are expecting snow this evening. GREAT! Love this weather!


Tam said...

I have a bad eater also. Both my kids are pretty bad now that I think about it. J's problem is that he won't eat it when I serve it but he will hide it somewhere and try to eat it later. I have caught him eating wrinkled fruits and baby carrots, very dry chicken nuggets and old pieces of pb&J sandwiches.

The other day K came into the kitchen to let me know that one of the cats had pooped on the floor. I went to go clean it up and realized J was just a few steps ahead of me. He picked it up and sure enough put it in his mouth. I started screaming for him to spit it out. He gave me a look like "what's your problem" and gave it to me. Turns out it wasn't poop but an old piece of meat ball from dinner two nights earlier!! Still gross... just not as gross.

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome Mom and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Your Gramma Boyce always said we have to eat a peck of dirt before we die!

bechtold clan said...

no worries about the shower mon- really.

Maggie is so funny- its crazy to think about - you think your kids will be one way and they surprise you...after Dallin who would have thought you would have a picky eater? I feel the same way Elijiah great eater, sleeper perfect baby. Im sure Ill end up with a non-eater and sleeper this time..isnt that the way things go? hehe

Anonymous said...

I think the biologial term for Maggie is "omnivore."

And dirt has lots of minerals in it so I wouldn't be too concerned.

Anonymous said...

I love it, kids and dirt go hand in hand don't they? or in this case hand in mouth. too fun, mags is getting so pretty and BIG! Cute, cute

The Gordon Clan said...

What is that saying - "God made dirt, dirt don't hurt." That can be her slogan. I'm glad that it warmed up a bit so you can at least find your swings- it still looks cold to me. I love all the pictures. Very cute!

Stinkbombers said...

Good idea is letting your child eat dirt. I'm sure our parents let us do it too. And we're still alive... haha.