Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Well I'm the boss!

Dallin just came into the kitchen and started pulling out the cooling racks to play around the kitchen with them. Well - my kitchen just is too small to have things all over the counters and floor. So I asked him not to pull them out. He said, of course, "WHY?" Not being in the mood for a big drawn out Why-fest I just said, "Because I am the mom and I said so!"

Dallin says, "Well, I am the boss so I am going to!"

I was quite shocked because he has never said that to me before. So I said, "You do and you will be on your bed till daddy gets home."

That was the end of it. Not very Parenting with Love and Logic... Oh well. I still need to practice that...


Tam said...

I know what you mean - K's biggest thing is when I tell her not to do something and then go through the whole "why" thing she then tells me that she is the mommy to her babies so she can do what she wants!!! Did I mention she is only 4

Anonymous said...

You know he has been the 'boss' for quite some time now. He knows that the household revolves around him! And Maggie is getting soooo big! I can't believe she can climb those steps by herself. What a doll! Can't wait to get out there....Mom Holcomb