Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Landmark Day for Dallin and Maggie

Yesterday was such a proud day for me!!!

Dallin has been learning to read certain words... "Pizza" for instance... and "No". He can figure out some more... We watch the show Lost. We usually tape it and watch it the next day and Dallin sometimes watches it with me. So he was looking at the back of the Fruit Loops box and saw this...

He said, "Mom - This says Lost!". He had the right letters just in the wrong order!! He was so proud of himself!

Then Miss Maggie ate an entire bowl of Fruit Loops! I had to put the green one in so it would focus. But she ate the entire bowl! And didn't throw ANY on the floor!!! (Both my kids had green poop today - did you know that Fruit Loops turns poop green???) Scott said she just needed a good cereal instead of Cheerios... I really like Cheerios...

She looked pretty happy with herself too!

She turned 18 months yesterday and I guess decided that it was time to start talking. She has learned how to sign quite a few words. And she will sign "All Done" after meals and say, "Ahh Dahh." Well, today she handed me her empty bottle and said - without signing - "Ahh Dahh." She said a few other words too. I guess she just wanted to be a big girl who - BY THE WAY - goes to Nursery and can be little Miss Independent!

Fun days around our home!


Anonymous said...

Oh cute, look at them getting so big. Adorbale little sweeties, we miss them

Tam said...

I know what you mean about kids that don't eat. I went out to lunch today and to make sure my kids ate their lunches I starved them all day. The only thing they had was some raisins. You know they still didn't eat their lunches. J threw his on the floor and K kept telling me it was too hot (even after it had sat there for 1 hour!!)

Brooke said...

Hey, my kids (even Taylor my non-eater) will eat Fruit Loops too! Altough, over here they are made with Barley and colored with tumeric, beets, and some other strange stuff. Not nearly as colorful and I think they are rather gross, but they like them.