Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Wanna Be A Cowboy!

And you can be my cowgirl!
She doesn't look much like a cowgirl. She has painted nails, unbrushed hair, skirt and sneakers on. Ya well - This is what she does before squealing her eardrum bursting squeal when you try to brush her hair.... But I MUST admit - these past 2 days have been very pleasant. Only a few tantrums... Not constant screaming and wailing, etc.

So back to Dallin. He decided today that he REALLY wanted to be a cowboy! He got all dressed up in his outfit and cowboy boots. He asked if he was handsome and I said of course. He says, "Ya - that's cause I'm a cowboy..." What a funny kid. Of course having this blog entry forming in my mind I went on Imeem and found this song. He heard it and is trying to learn it. It's really cute! So off he went to joy school as a cowboy!

So off Maggie and I went to get milk and honey from the grocery store! Now - Kevin from tx... I want you to know that you can gain a little faith in humanity again... While I was putting our groceries in our car this cute little lady comes up to me and gives me a box of cookies. She says, "I want to give this to you." I - having not so much trust in strangers - say, "Why are you giving these to me?" She says, "We get them for the seniors and I wanted to give you some." What a sweet lady!! Maybe she saw my scrawny kid and thought she needed some fat on her bones... Or maybe she poisoned them and wants to kill my family...

On the way home Maggie is hungry so I get her a banana when we get in.... As I am bringing things in from the car she sees the cookies....
She is no longer interested in the banana and it sits next to me uneaten on the table as I type this blog entry. I am not in the mood for it. I tried a bite of the cookie. It isn't particularly good. I actually prefer these...MMMMMM... I love crepes... I made some for Dallin and Scott for breakfast this morning. I doubled the batch and now we have tons left over. Which is fine with me to snack on all day. They are only 50 calories each... Oh - except the filling is a little more than that. But it is fruit!!!

Do you want to come with me while I make another one and stuff my face???

First I walk over to the counter with the stack of leftovers. I take one that has "crazy hair" according to Mary.Then add the filling which is sliced apples that are canned from your apple tree out back. Then boiled with brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg... Then I fill the crepe with as much filling as I can get in without it dripping all over my spotless kitchen floor (ya - uh huh!)
Then I eat it. And do it again about 20 or 30 minutes later. I think I might have to run an extra 30 minutes tomorrow!
So everyone go out and pick your apples for breakfast!!!!


Robyn said...

You just made me very hungry. Those sound great. Dallin will have to sing that song for Mom and I when we come out in November.

Tam said...

Those look really good. Although I first thought it was the banana.

Good for you with the apples. I had two wonderful trees in Utah and they only rotted every year. When (or if) we move back you will have to show me your secrets.

Steff said...

Wow! Those crepes look amazing! Where in the world did you learn to make them? France?