Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ok. My kids are almost done with the coughing all over everything thing in our house and wiping their sweet, adorable noses all over my clothes. I am on a mission to de-germ our home. I have been using Lysol wipes on all the door knobs, table, counters and our banister to the basement.

The banister to the basement. This is so disgusting. I have gone over the banister 4 times now...

The first time....

The second time...

The third time...

The fourth time...

I am not sure that I would be considered a Germ-o-phobe... But I tell you what... this is grossing me out. Seriously.

I haven't ever heard this Weird Al Song.... But it's very appropriate for today's post.


Rachel said...

Now THAT's something to blog about, baby.

lindygirl said...

EWWWW! Aren't kids great?