Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hair and other stuff

My friend Lasca is very good about doing hair. Her daughter's hair is always done just right. My daughter's hair on the other hand.... Well - let's just say I cut it so I could actually get it brushed.

She straightened Maggie's hair yesterday and it was ADORABLE!!! So we did it again today.

Isn't it great??

She is such a poser!

Then the other stuff:

Today during the sacrament at church, Dallin leans over to me and says, "Mom - farts and burps are made from bubbles!" Needless to say - I have not sufficiently taught my son to be thinking of Jesus during the sacrament....

Then while he was drawing on his whiteboard during church he asked me what he should draw. I said a house. He drew and narrated for me... "That's the roof. That's the bricks. The house kind of looks like a sandwich. Sorry." Then he was drawing the windows and he says, "The windows look like a sandwich too." Do you think I need to feed my kid before church???


Robyn said...

Maggie just looks adorable.

Dallin is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

I keep telling you that you need to get Maggie into advertising or something! She just eats up the camera.....what's not to love!? And yes, perhaps it's time to give the kids some food before church. I agree with Dallin, windows do look like sandwiches! Love you all! Mom

LBBlum said...

that is sooo funny- specifically farts and burps part!

I'm with Dallin- at church everything looks like food on fast sunday... and why do the deacons wear ties with popcorn, and candy ?? that doesn't help!