Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Postmaster General

Remember when I told you how I tried to shovel the road so the postman can get to our mailbox?? Well - we got lots of hate letters last year from him.

This year it looks like they are going straight for the jugular....

This is what I came outside to when I got the mail.

Wet mail.

Not that I can blame the poor guy. I mean I just can't keep up with the snow and the stinking, flipping, horrible snow plows!!!!

This morning I looked out our back window and saw the sun shining and our back street neighbor's roof.

Oh what I would have given to see the people on the roof that made these tracks! I would have LOVED to gotten those pictures!

And the song for today - ya I don't know. I just wanted to hear some Culture Club....

Side bar: I am on Facebook for high school reunion purposes (yes it's true... 20 years) and one of my fellow graduates saw the pictures of yesterday's storm on there and asked how long we get off school for a storm like that. I had to laugh. Having lived in Utah for the past 12 years I don't know that I can count on more than 1 hand the number of times school has been closed for weather. I mostly grew up in Maryland and I tell ya - we got out of school CONSTANTLY in the winter... Oh well.


Ashley Rae said...

Wow. I live about 20 minutes away and we didn't get ANY snow... that is incredible.

That sucks about the mailman- lol...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much about your mail. Wet mail does dry out eventually and usually you can still read it! Spring is right around the corner---even in Utah! Oh, and it's funny, but I never remembered you to be a germ-a-phobe. But I do think the bannister wipes are pretty gross. Amazing isn't it? The things we don't really notice until we get sick....Keep up the good work--You're a great mom. Love you Mom