Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 4 - What a hiker!

This morning we went back into Trinidad and dropped our laundry off at this little laundry mat. They actually do it for you! I mean you pay for it! It’s however much the laundry costs to do x 3. It turned out to only be $10.50! I would say that was worth it for us to keep sight seeing and not be stuck in a laundry mat for a couple of hours. It freed us up to go whale watching – and someone else is washing our barf and sand clothes!!!

Dallin – what a trooper today! He hiked his little heart out! We went to Klamath River Overlook. This is where a river flows into the ocean.

It is very beautiful. There was a ¾ mile hike down to an overlook that is pretty steep. Dallin had a blast going down it. On the way back though he was very discouraged and hot and tired and wanted to be carried. But he did really really well!! We got back to the top and he said, “I don’t want to hike something that tall again.” It was a tough hike for mommy – I can’t imagine what Dallin felt like!

I really wanted to see the whales migrating while we were here! And I got to do that today! These pictures aren’t all that great – but until I can afford a bigger lens they will have to do.

I thought the whales would be farther out – not right close to the shore. But – I was pleasantly surprised! (By the way - it's a little difficult to draw a straight arrow in a moving van)

Then we went back through the scenic parkway we had gone through the day before. This time we stopped and Dallin and I took a little hike into the forest while Scott and Maggie took a little snooze in the car.

Dallin preferred this hike over the earlier one. So did bunny…

I am absolutely amazed at the enormity of these trees. It’s crazy how the sound of everything but birds is blocked out by these trees.

Just beautiful.

We are quite surprised at the sparseness of towns around here. It really adds to the character of the area – but it’s hard when you need a gas station and there isn’t one on every corner.

This is where we had to get gas before going to the beach yesterday.

We actually passed the "Got Gas?" sign not really thinking it could possibly be a gas station. We saw this in the distance. But then we got up close and saw that it wasn't exactly working.

Although - when was the last time you saw one of these???

Then we went to another beach. This one was good enough to have a warning sign about the water posted clearly for all to see!

I was in heaven going to all of these beaches. Dallin was too.

Maggie on the other hand – as soon as her feet were touching the ground she would turn right around and go back toward the car. She was not at all interested in being there. But Scott was good and held her the whole time. Except for when we tried experimenting with her feet touching the ground. It was hilarious!

We got there and saw there were surfers out.

I love the continuous shooting mode on the camera! It makes me feel like a professional photographer – even though I am not even close! But hey – I can think it!

Dallin now wants to have a surf board when he gets bigger.

He wanted to get into the water again today. (way to get back on that horse!!) But he wanted to take off his pants. Yesterday when “mommy and me got waved” his pants got really heavy and were falling off.

But he never actually got into the water this time.

We hadn’t showered yet on our trip because in the mornings it’s too dang cold. So we decided to head back to camp, make grilled cheese sandwiches and shower. I was pleasantly surprised at how hot the showers were. But then there is the dilemma of drying my hair. I have very thick hair and I knew if I didn’t get it at least partially dry it wouldn’t be dry before bed which would result in a VERY cold Monica that night. We brought a power inverter for the car and I thought ok – I can just plug the hair dryer in. It didn’t work. And I managed to blow a fuse. I did make the trek over to the bathrooms and use the outlet there after Scott and Dallin got back.

After we got all clean and fed we went back into town to pick up our laundry and propane for the Mr. Heater that we borrowed to keep our tent warm at night.