Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bottle-less: Day 2

Well. She didn't wake up until 9:30 and that is because I went in to get her. A soon as she takes one sip from her sippy she starts throwing up. Except its just clear because there is nothing in her tiny tummy. Now she is laying in my arms and shaking. And it is only 9:40 am. I don't think I am cut out for this!!!!

1:00 pm update:
She is down for her nap. She really likes popcorn. She has eaten quite a bit of that. Well, quite a bit for her. She is guzzling water and crystal light. But isn't touching the milk. She was outside playing for a bit so I think she is doing alright. But I do have 2 gallons of whole milk in the fridge that I suspect are going to spoil, if this keeps up!

5:00 pm update:
She has been doing ok. I gave her a piece of cheese that she wanted. I don't think she ate it, yet I can't find where she placed it... That should be a fun surprise for later! She is still downing the crystal light. But still no muuk. Everytime she sees the blog picture of her bottle yesterday she cries. Kind of funny. In a sick demented mother kind of way. She shouldn't have a totally empty tummy either. We were outside and she found a huge clump of dirt. She had it in her hand and was licking it like a popscicle. Then she was drinking water from the hose. So she should have a good combination of diseases for her 2 year appointment next month!

6:25 pm update:
Called my friend Steff making sure that the crying would end at some point. Screaming and tantrums for 35 minutes straight. She finally sat down at the table to eat a banana. But everytime I turn up my Mamma Mia cd she cries, shakes her head back and forth and says NO NO NO! hmmmm... this is a problem....

6:55 pm update:
Holy Toledo Batman!!! She handed me an empty plate that had french toast and sausage on it. THEN she drank chocolate milk out of a regular cup!!!! I gave her a few more pieces of sausage and they are gone too. HAPPINESS!!!!!

Here she is after eating dinner sucking up the rest of the popcorn bowl!!


The Hoogland Family said...

HOORAY! Success feels good! Way to hang in there!