Monday, August 11, 2008


As most of you know - Maggie doesn't eat much in the way of solid food. She does however LOVE her "muuk". And she loves her bottle. I think she uses it a bit like a pacifier. She will just be sucking on it even if she isn't getting any muuk. Weeeeeeeell.... Last night we had her throw her bottles in the garbage. Needless to say - today has been VERY difficult! She won't drink muuk out of a sippy, water bottle, or regular cup. She will however, drink water out of a regular cup. She did eat lots of popcorn today. And a few macaroni's. She hasn't gone through nearly the diapers like a normal day. Now keep in mind that my baby will go through a gallon of muuk in 2 1/2 days.

At the end of day 1: Mom is almost insane with the whining and crying and trying to open the garbage so she can retrieve her bottles. Maggie keeps saying "Owwie" and I know her tummy HAS to be starving!!! People keep saying she will eat when she is hungry enough. YOU BETTER BE RIGHT!!!!!

***Edit*** For Family Night tonight we walked up to the 7-11. She does love a pina colada slurpee! At least she isn't going to be TOTALLY dehydrated.


manderskids said...

It's hard to be tough with our kids! But believe me, she'll thank you when she's sixteen and doesn't need to take her bottle with her to high school!!!

lindygirl said...

Hang in there! Just a few more days of pulling your hair out and she'll realize she is not going to get her way.
Then you'll wonder why you didn't do it earlier.
Good luck!