Friday, August 29, 2008

Can't I Just Take A Shower????

SO this morning I hop in the shower... Reams has a great sale on Farrs Ice Cream and I want to run out. It's now 11 and I am still not there. Dallin was up a lot coughing. I don't know if it's allergies or a cold. So he got up and wanted to play Lego Star Wars... I figured I would let him since he had a really cruddy night while I showered to get ready.

Meanwhile Maggie is dragging chairs all over the kitchen (I can hear them while I am in the shower). I get out of the shower and Dallin - not having moved one inch from his game cube says - MOOOOOM. COME LOOK WHAT MAGGIE DID!!!

Thanks D for getting up from your game and letting me know!!!

I walk into the living room....

Then I look at her....

Please excuse the runny nose. I had just gotten out of the shower! She has it all over her belly too... (Marker - not snot)

Then I take pictures... There's really no point in losing it on her. It's done. Now we just need to clean it up. As I am taking pictures I notice that she has "painted her toenails".

I come into the kitchen to upload the photos for a blog and notice this...
SO I call my friend and while talking to her she says Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work great...

I guess we shall see. Sorry Scott - I guess I am not allowed to shower anymore. Or at least not without Maggie caged in her crib!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my heck! You guys always used to write your names in books and then deny doing it! I can't remember much writing on the walls...thankfully. I just sent Maggie some nail polish, so now you can paint her finger and toe nails with the real thing!!! Love you all! Mom

Tam said...

Wow she got you good!!! I never had this problem with Kessa until she was old enough to know better. Now I find practice letters all over everything.

Good luck - your friend is right, magic erasers work great. And good luck with the shower thing. I usually end up with both of them in my shower.

Lisa Burbidge said...

That looks like something the twins would have done!!! I now only shower if I know they are happy with a movie and snack on or if they are asleep!!! I find myself locking all the doors so they can't escaspe or let the dogs out. But duh, they can unlock all the doors!!!! I just have to be fast!

bechtold clan said...

LOL seriously this child is the funniest...but probably only because Im not dealing with it huh? Hilarious!