Monday, September 8, 2008


Today Dallin made plans with his little friend Sam to watch Star Wars Episode 1 tomorrow. So tonight we were singing the "Dallin" song - which is basically what Dallin did today and what he is excited to do tomorrow sung to a made up tune. I put in there that he STARTS PRE-SCHOOL again tomorrow. His last year before kindergarten... UGH!! And that he will be watching Star Wars with Sam.

This is our conversation afterwards:

D - I am going to bring my movie to Sam's to watch it.

Me - I don't think you need to. I think he has it too.

D - But mine is cooler.

Me - It's the same movie. It's just as cool.

He thinks about this for at least 15 seconds. I almost got up to leave and he says, "No - mine is REALLY COOLER!!!"

I just thought it was hilarious!!!!! I love my boy!!!
Edit: Based on a comment that the f word was in the "Cooler" song that I chose I changed it to "I'm a little teapot." Sorry about that!!!!


The Gordon Clan said...

I love that picture of Dallin. Very cute. The fungus, not so much. I started to gag just from reading your story. But, then I pulled out of it because I started to hear the "f" word. Nice song! :-)

Monica said...

based on the prior comment.. i have changed the song to "I'm a little teapot." Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

I usually keep my computer muted, so I missed all the excitement. You are so lucky that 'D' thinks he has the coolest stuff, because there may come a time when everyone else has the cool stuff and 'D' just has to have one like it! He is such a cutie and I love the western wear! Love you all! Mom

manderskids said...

I love that you have a song to go along with each of your posts... I started doing that too--you are my inspiration!!