Sunday, September 14, 2008

State Fair

We went to the state fair last night. It was so much fun! Of course I was SO excited to eat a corn dog that I totally forgot to take a picture of it AGAIN!!! Oh well.

I love this Elvis version of Old Mac Donald. Listen to what happens to the animals!

We went to see the pigs. Aren't these babies just adorable???
And we went to see the sheep. Or were these the goats? I can't remember.... We did see both... and I am a city girl....Here is where I was SO excited! Look at all this food!!! I totally want to develop this talent!! My garden did OK this year. I actually got cantaloupe and watermelon to grow. But I want to be a great farmer!

There was a table full of vegetables that people made things out of... This was a cute elephant!

BEEF~~ Yes - I thought of my FORMER roomie last night. We were leaving the Dairy building full of the milkin' cows and heading to the Beef building full of the eatin' cows! My roomie's nickname is Beef. I love her!

This was in the milkin' cows building... All I can say after having been a lactating cow is OUCH~ It was definitely milkin' time! Yowch!
Dallin really liked the cows...
Maggie thought she did. She started to pet her? him? it? Then it moved it's head and she was NOT stickin' around!
There was a 6 foot tall cow. Crazy! It made me nervous when it moved too.
See those people in the background? They were in our old church congregation when we first got married! I didn't even notice they were there until I was editing the picture! Funny! Nate and Lisa would be the only ones to recognize them (of those who read the blog) We had seen them earlier in another exhibit... I just didn't realize they were in the cows with us!

And we saw bunnies. They were so darn cute!!
This isn't the best picture of my kids petting the bunny - but I just can't get over something in the picture... Do you see it? them? milkin' time???

Sorry - that was rude....

I thought this was a cute picture! Steff calls our kids the step-children because we are over there so often. So I thought this was appropriate!

What an exhausting day at the fair! We loved it!!!
Anyone for pork 'n beans or hamburger medium rare??!!!?? I love Elvis!!


bechtold clan said...

do you think its worth the trip and cost? I want to go but I havent heard great things...better this year????? and yes it was great to see molly- she looks amazing...and it has been too long since weve hung out.

Beefche said...

I have such mixed feelings about people seeing beef or a cow and thinking about me.... ;)

Aren't fair corndogs just the best thing ever? Maybe it's the crisp weather or the permeation of the animal smells that makes them taste better.


manderskids said...

Rats!! I missed the song! Sounded like a good one :)