Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunflowers and Fungi

I planted sunflowers this year. I planted some short one, medium sized ones and giant ones! I was so excited to see how it turned out. Unfortunately we had a really windy storm before I got good pictures of them. So now they are facing the neighbors house and half of them are bent down. But here are a few pictures of them...

Then as I am taking this picture from underneath the tall sunflower I look down and notice something NOT so nice!
My friend Lasca's dad has his PhD in Botany or Horticulture or something planty... He is amazing with plants! SO we decided to put this in a bag for him to tell me what it was and if it was poisonous as I have a girl child that likes to eat dirt, grass, and various other non-food items...
It was NASTY!! And it stunk! And I didn't get pictures of it when we took it out. These are by myself and don't do this THING justice!
There were these clear soft egg shaped things underneath the grass that stunk to high heaven. She called me a little while after she left and (sadly I must admit this) told me that her dad said they were Rattlesnake eggs. And I believed her. For almost 30 seconds... But then I realized she was lying. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Because according to her story I had to dig up my whole yard because they multiplied!!! SHEESH! Anyhoo - these things are nasty. And stink. And reminded me of a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater!


Robyn said...

You know....mushrooms are alot fungi and people actually eat those. Can you believe that people actually EAT fungi??? That's just soooo nasty. Good luck with that stuff. Hope it doesn't spread like she says it does.


Anonymous said...

Your sunflowers are gorgeous! Keep up the good work! You'll probably have some that you like better than others and will plant more of those next year. You are becoming soooooo domestic! Who'da thought it??! Wish I could get out there to see you............Love, Mom

Tam said...

I wish it wasn't fall here because I feel inspired to put some color in my yard.

Your flowers are really beautiful - I can' wait to see what you do next year.