Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hair Today Gone Today

We cut hair today. It was so fun. My friend Lasca knows how to cut hair and was teaching me how to cut hair with scissors instead of just buzzing Scott and Dallin. I have to admit - their hair looks tons better! Even on my first try...

We also cut Maggie's bangs. She didn't sit very still for it.

Later on Lasca and I were talking upstairs. Dallin and Maggie were downstairs. After a bit Maggie comes upstairs saying, "Hair pitty..." and combing it with Lasca's comb.

(Side note: Due to extreme drama at her house, involving cops and her mother keeping her children hostage in a locked house... Lasca is staying with us until she can find a place. Thus her stuff is in our basement. Including the scissors we used to cut Maggie's hair.)

After taking a closer look at Maggie "pitty hair" - I noticed that some of it wasn't there anymore!

She also got into Lasca's mascara...

We started laughing SO hard - we went downstairs to see if we could find the hair. Not that it would have done a lick of good as it was already cut off.

But we did find it. On the vanity in front of the mirror in the downstairs bathroom. I can just imagine her standing on the little stool, combing her "pitty hair" and SNIP!

She managed to cut her face too.

So Lasca went to work to try to fix this mess.

Which she did beautifully! Thanks, Lasca!!!!

This is a photo I found on the camera of Maggie on a cold morning. She really is my kid. She is sitting on a heater vent, drinking her chocolate milk!!! And she had bangs...

Oh well - they grow back, right??


lindygirl said...

Wow! She looks so much older!

LBBlum said...

i love all your stories about your daughter... she is too cute, and funny , and man! she keeps you on your toes!

Shelley Monsen said...

I was disappointed to read that swipe you made at JoAnn regarding cops and holding Lasca's children hostage. I would not be a good friend to Lasca or JoAnn if I did not speak up to defend JoAnn, because the remarks are untrue. They make Lasca sound like a liar and JoAnn sound crazy. I don't believe Lasca is a liar, but I do believe she is very ungrateful regarding her parents. If I had my way I would lock all 8 of JoAnn's ungrateful, judgemental children in a room, hold them hostage and give them a piece of my mind regarding the way they treat their mother.

Monica said...

Shelley - I realize that you aren't completely educated about the situation that night. When I had to ask the police to move their car to help Lasca move her stuff out - I am pretty sure I am a little aware of what happened that night. But I appreciate your feedback about your disappointment in me. I am glad that you don't want to believe that Lasca is a liar... because she isn't.

Shelley Monsen said...

No, I don't think Lasca is a liar, and I will say I have only heard JoAnn's side to the story. I think the whole thing got blown way out of proportion. You know, Monica, I hate this whole situation. It is breaking my heart. I am friends with JoAnn and Lasca, and I love them both. I'm thinking of all the nice things Lasca has done for me. I have so many things she made for me that I treasure, and she always remembers me every holiday and every birthday. Her thoughtfulness has meant so much to me. But on the other hand, Joann has done so much for me. I think of all things she has helped me with. So many times JoAnn and Bryce have come over and given me a hand with something around my house. JoAnn watches out for me all the time. To me, she and Lasca were my friends individually, and together. I hope some day the misunderstandings can be reconciled. JoAnn is a wonderful person and I hope Lasca will remember that.

Anonymous said...

The truth needs to be told. The two immature parents left the house in the middle of the night acting like adolescents and shouting obscenities while their children were asleep in their own beds. The children's own mother called the cops instead of doing the right thing and acting in the best interest of her children. In the following month she has justified her actions with her "friends." I am in total agreement with Shelley on this one. I love JoAnn and Lasca dearly and this situation is breaking my heart, as well. Lasca mentioned on her blog that she would not be where she is today without her parents - so, why is she treating them with total disrespect? I truly believe that Lasca needs to apologize to JoAnn and mend the relationship that they had. And, Monica, I think you need to act like an adult here and help Lasca do the right thing! Lasca needs to understand that advice is cheap and some "friends" may not be qualified to give advice that is in Lasca's best interest. She should be choosing her friends very wisely especially during these very difficult times. Oftentimes opinions about divorce can be very misleading. It is like a plague, it is catching. "It worked for so and so why not for me." Inspiration and guidance from the Holy Ghost after much soul searching is the best source. Her bishop is one appointed to receive inspiration that can give her the guidance she needs, not friends. There are trained counselors too whose advice would be better than "friends".

Monica said...

I can't believe the coward who actually posted an anonymous comment on my family blog. It leads me to believe that it was only one person who could have possibly posted this comment as they are saying they are telling the "truth" of what happened that night. Bryce was asleep, so it must be the only other person awake in the house besides Lasca and Brian. No one else was there to say the "truth" of what happened. There is Joann's side, Lasca's side and the police report. I love the way you infer that I am not a friend to Lasca and that I am not qualified to give advice. Well - surprise surprise.. I am not giving advice. I never have. Lasca is an adult and can and has made her own decisions. I have been here to help her and support her in the decisions that SHE has made. That is more than I can say for her own parents and some of her siblings. It is very sad that family members put conditions on support and love that they are willing to give. I am grateful for a loving and supportive family that I have that is true to gospel standards of unconditional love. I am grateful that my family supports Christ's plan of freedom of choice and not Satan's plan of controling our every move and decision. If this harrassment continues - I too will be forced to have the police be involved. I will no longer be responding to harrassing comments on my blog. If you truly love your daughter - oh I guess since this is a cowardly anonymous note I can't say that - If you truly love Lasca, you would support her in her time of difficulty. Not abandoning her. As you are completely slamming me in saying that I am not a true friend to her, this is becoming harrassment. Again - I will not be responding to your badgering again. I know that I am good with Heavenly Father. And I think that Lasca is good with her Heavenly Father. If you have a problem with Lasca and her decisions then man up to it and talk with her about. Don't yell - don't try to control - just state your opinion and let her use the choices that Jesus Christ died for us to be able to make. She will be the one judged for her decisions - not her family or her friends.

As far as I am concerned - this discussion is done on my blog. Take it to hers if you have the courage to. But I doubt you will.