Thursday, March 26, 2009

Joy School Field Trip

We went on a field trip today to the Air Force Museum. It was really fun. There is a room that I never knew existed that was SO fun for the kids.

The kids could put on flight suits and helmets and get into these simulators.

Aren't they just the studs!

Then of course the little girls couldn't be left out!

There were even little computers that they could use to practice their flying skills...

When they came out of that room, there were little planes that they could ride around in. Maggie's shoe came off....

This kind gentleman helped her put it back on. Well - he tried anyway. He couldn't quite get it.

The kids were very good (for the most part) to stay together and listen. They pretended to be airplanes.

Ethan called this the Hall of the Greats...

It was cute...

A great time was had by all - and with the weather being so frigid - it was nice to get out... yet still be inside. :)