Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Is it possible to hate a cartoon character?? I think that I just might...

Maggie has Doe-wa underwear. She LOVES them. She simply will not keep her diaper on -
yet she doesn't want to go in the toilet either. She keeps saying Doe-wa Doe-wa. When I got the song on Imeem she was ecstatic!!!! Started saying - Doe-wa dancin!!

Now we don't have cable, nick jr or anything like that... We are an antenna on the roof and PBS kinda family... So why she loves this character so much is beyond me. But if it was possible to strangle Doe-wa... I would! She causes much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth around our house. Not to mention the pee I have to clean up as the underwear simply doesn't absorb it like a diaper would!!! She goes through several pairs of them daily!

This was Maggie after I got her out of her crib from her nap. She was naked of course so I go to put her diaper on and she is SCREAMING!!!!
Then I go to the kitchen and come back to find this. It couldn't have been more than 45 seconds... She is good. I have to give her that!
But I do love my kids! Here Dallin was going poop. I go in to see if he is doing ok. I find him reading the Christmas toy magazine from wal-mart...
Much like his father. Must have reading material! ;-)

And here is Maggie. She wanted an english muffin for breakfast and helped herself!!!
Aren't they just the cutest??! I guess I am a little biased though!


Ashley Rae said...

I know so many people who hate Dora... I actually used to. For some reason, though, it's starting to grow on me (*gasp*). It's probably because Kennedy is actually learning Spanish, so it makes up for the annoying factor.

Your kids are adorable :)

The Holcombs said...

Hey they have Diego pull ups by pampers, I am pretty sure they have Dora too. That might be a worth while investment if she will wear them. Jaden loves Diego and Dora, but they are pretty educational shows...as far as cartoons go. Good luck!

Steff said...

Oh man, you have too many people here who are getting sucked over to the dark side under the guise of "educational programming." Let me put it to you all this way....just because Barney was educational didn't mean we let our kids watch him! I'm just sayin'.

Hi, my name is Steff and I'm a recovering bad parent. I am now in a place where I can openly admit my hidden shame; I allowed my poor defenseless children to watch Teletubbies! Again Again! Oh I tried to justify it, PBS is educational and all that. You can't have those years to do over. Please don't make the same mistakes I did!

Anonymous said...

Backpack, backpack!