that I never want to forget!!
When my mother fell and hit her head in our garage:
Mom: Why does this keep happening to me?
Dallin: Cause you're a little old.
Me: You have a runny nose.
Dallin: No. It just kind of falls out of my head.
We have had colds around our house. Lots of sneezing and blowing of noses...
Maggie keeps saying: Bus oo. (Bless You) everytime. Even when we blow our nose.
When Maggie has a gas bubble come out of her bum pats it and says: I fuffed!
(We say fluff not fart)
After I get out of the shower Maggie very proudly takes my hand to lead me to the kitchen and says:
Wookie!!!! (Pointing to the fridge).
Permanant red marker on the side of it. I guess that is what I get for having permanent markers in my house. Thank goodness for the Magic Eraser.
Me: My nose is SO stuffy!
Dallin: Why is it stuffy?
Me: Because I have a cold.
Dallin: Then you have too much snot. You need to drain it with a kleenex.
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