Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How do you know you are a product of the 80s??

When you see one of these in the halloween treats

and immediately think of

and say OUTLOUD in your best Sloth voice "Baaay Beeeee. Woooooth."

I love Chunk.

I wanted to be a Goonie.


Beefche said...

Ok, I'm a product of the 80's and I must be from another planet of the 80's because I don't get the Baby Ruth reference. Maybe I'm just more righteous than you and never watched things that you watched..... :D

Stinkbombers said...

How do I get really way cute template background things like you guys? All the ones I see to pick from are just normal ones.

Rachel said...

Yes! No one in my family gets that! But I keep saying it over and over because I can't stop myself, even though both my kids and my husband look at me like I'm nuts. That is awesome!