Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Pictures from Scott's Work

They grabbed us just as we got off the elevator...
Then again with Donald...

Looking at Maggie's costume in these pictures, I think she might have been a dog. I thought for sure she was a bear... But she certainly does look like a dog... Hmmmm.... I think I need to get my eyes checked!!!


lindygirl said...

Monica, you are looking the best I have ever seen you!
Yep, I think she's a dog, too.

Mandy H said...

I agree, you skinny minny you look amazing! You must share your secret so I can do that too when I have this baby! Ya'll look so cute in the costumes and ready for halloween!

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh! You are so slender! You look great - I realize that this isn't the topic of your blog entry, but it can't go without being said - wow! You look great! As for Scott in the Donald Suit...well...I'll just say he's very brave.

Lisa Burbidge said...

Monica you are so skinny! You are going to blow away in the wind!