Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visit with Gramma

My mother and sister from Michigan came out for a week to visit. It was nice to be able to see them again. It's hard for me to have my family so far away. And with the price of plane tickets so high it's just not feasible to cart all four of us out to the Midwest very often.

We didn't see a whole lot of my sister - which is fine - she has friends out here that she misses too! We understand!

We did a lot of eating out (which is wreaking havoc on my jeans!) and a lot of shopping. Dallin got out-fitted from head to toe in cowboy gear. And he got a storm trooper voice changer helmet with a gun. Maggie got a beautiful dress, a hat with a matching purse and cell phone. You would think that Christmas came a little early to our house! I guess that is what you have to let gramma's do when they only get to see their grandkids a few days out of the year and when they don't have 15 of them!! (Some advantages of having small families ;) ) It was nice to be able to just sit and talk as well.

Maggie took a day to warm up. We were telling her that Gramma is coming to see us. When my mom got out of the car Maggie looked at her and was very confused. She looked like she was thinking, "That is NOT the gramma I know!!" But she did warm up and everything was Gramma-this and Gramma-that. This morning when she woke up she went downstairs to see Gramma and she was gone already. She was a bit confused.

It was funny - she had a hard time saying Aunt Robyn. Jeremy & Jared - you will appreciate this. She kept calling her Aunt Faubin. Close to Farbin!!! (Farbin is what Jer and Jared call her)

It was a fun trip and we were so happy to see them!!!